| BigPapa
| Joined: 12 Jan 2009 | Posts: 14 | : | | Items |
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:22 pm Post subject: Need help with generator |
I thought I would come up with building a Sudoku puzzle game, using Macromedia Director 11. I have pretty good background in programming with Lingo, but I have hardly any experience programming Sudoku. However, I did do some research here through the forums. What I understand so far is first I need a generator, then a solver and a level of difficulty. As for a generator I have spent pretty much the weekend reading many of the threads here, and from what I get is there are several ways of building a generator. However, I am a little lost considering that many of the threads that I have read either only discuss the steps people have tried doing, or they show one main function but not include what the functions who are being called inside the main function do. For example, for my first attempt, I tried doing a recursive function method, which came from this thread "Need Help with my first Sudoku generator."
When I first tried it, I realized that it created empty cells, which meant it did not do any backtracking. I tried building a backtracking method which would take away the previous cell and try another number. In addition, when it could not do an entire region, then it would delete region and try it again. However, I am having no luck with it, and all it is doing is making my code messier. Worse yet, I over-wrote my clean code, so I hope you can still understand it.
Code: |
property pSpriteLink
property pSudoku
property pDeadLocks
property funcCall --dont forget to get rid of this when you know the generateSuduko function works
on beginSprite me
pSpriteLink = [[1, 11, 21], [31, 41, 51], [61, 71, 81]]
funcCall = 0
repeat with boardRow = 1 to 3
repeat with boardCol = 1 to 3
if boardRow = 3 and boardCol = 3 then
end if
if not generateSudoku(boardRow, boardCol, 1, 1) then
if boardCol = 1 then
boardCol = 3
boardRow = boardRow - 1
boardCol = boardCol - 1
end if
undoRegion(boardRow, boardCol)
if boardCol = 1 then
boardCol = 3
boardRow = boardRow - 1
boardCol = boardCol - 1
end if
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end beginSprite
on initializeSprites
loopX = 0
loopY = 0
repeat with z = 1 to pSpriteLink.count
repeat with spriteList in pSpriteLink[z]
repeat with y = 0 to 2
repeat with x = 0 to 2
currSprite = spriteList + x + (y * 3)
sprite(currSprite).locH = 118 + (24 * x) + loopX
sprite(currSprite).locV = 83 + (24 * y) + loopY
sprite(currSprite).member = member("block")
end repeat
end repeat
loopX = loopX + (24 * 3) + 10
end repeat
loopX = 0
loopY = loopY + (24 * 3) + 10
end repeat
end initializeSprites
on initializeSudoku
defaultBoard = [[0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
tempLocks = [[[],[],[]], [[], [], []], [[],[],[]]]
pSudoku = []
pDeadLocks = []
repeat with boardRow = 1 to 3
tempLocks = []
repeat with boardCol = 1 to 3
repeat with row = 1 to 3
repeat with col = 1 to 3
end repeat
end repeat
put pDeadLocks[boardRow][boardCol][1][1]
end repeat
end repeat
end initializeSudoku
on generateSudoku boardRow, boardCol, row, col
ranValues = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
--funcCall = funcCall + 1
-- if boardRow = 3 and boardCol = 3 then
-- across = []
-- downward = []
-- repeat with tempBoardCol = 1 to 3
-- repeat with x = 1 to 3
-- across.add(pSudoku[boardRow][tempBoardCol][row][x])
-- end repeat
-- end repeat
-- repeat with tempBoardRow = 1 to 3
-- repeat with y = 1 to 3
-- downward.add(pSudoku[tempBoardRow][boardCol][y][col])
-- end repeat
-- end repeat
-- end if
if funcCall = 5 then
return true
end if
if row = 4 then --3 and col = 3 then
return true
end if
deadLocks = []
repeat with index = 1 to 9
-- if pDeadLocks[boardRow][boardCol][row][col].count then
-- if pDeadLocks[boardRow][boardCol][row][col].getPos(ranValues[index]) then
-- next repeat
-- end if
-- end if
if deadLocks.count then
if deadLocks.getPos(ranValues[index]) then
next repeat
end if
end if
if validateBoard(boardRow, boardCol, row, col, ranValues[index]) then
pSudoku[boardRow][boardCol][row][col] = ranValues[index]
tempCol = col
tempRow = row
if (tempCol + 1) = 4 then
tempCol = 1
tempRow = tempRow + 1
tempCol = tempCol + 1
end if
if generateSudoku(boardRow, boardCol, tempRow, tempCol) then
return true
end if
end if
end repeat
if col = 1 then
if row > 1 then
pSudoku[boardRow][boardCol][row - 1][3] = 0
if boardCol > 1 then
pSudoku[boardRow][boardCol - 1][3][3] = 0
else if boardRow > 1 then
pSudoku[boardRow - 1][3][3][3] = 0
alert("error in solving puzzle. The program cannot continue")
end if
end if
pSudoku[boardRow][boardCol][row][col - 1] = 0
end if
return false
end generateSudoku
on shuffleRanValues ranValues
repeat with x = 1 to 9
r = x + random(9) mod (9 - x)
tCard = ranValues[x]
ranValues[x] = ranValues[r]
ranValues[r] = tCard
end repeat
end shuffleRanValues
on validateBoard boardRow, boardCol, row, col, value
--checkValue = pSudoku[boardRow][boardCol][row][col]
--check 3x3 block
repeat with index = 1 to 3
checkList = pSudoku[boardRow][boardCol][index]
if getPos(checkList, value) then --checkValue) then
return false
end if
end repeat
--check current row across
repeat with index = 1 to 3
checkList = pSudoku[boardRow][index][row]
if getPos(checkList, value) then
return false
end if
end repeat
-- check current column down
repeat with y = 1 to 3
repeat with x = 1 to 3
checkValue = pSudoku[y][boardCol][x][col]
if checkValue = value then
return false
end if
end repeat
end repeat
return true
end validateBoard
on undoRegion boardRow, boardCol
repeat with row = 1 to 3
repeat with col = 1 to 3
pSudoku[boardRow][boardCol][row][col] = 0
end repeat
end repeat
end undoRegion
on displayBoard
repeat with boardRow = 1 to 3
repeat with boardCol = 1 to 3
repeat with row = 0 to 2
repeat with col = 0 to 2
spriteNum = pSpriteLink[boardRow][boardCol] + col + (row * 3)
if pSudoku[boardRow][boardCol][row + 1][col + 1] = 0 then
sprite(spriteNum).member = member(24)
sprite(spriteNum).member = member(pSudoku[boardRow][boardCol][row + 1][col + 1])
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end repeat
end repeat
end displayBoard
on exitFrame me
go to the frame
so my question is, I wanted to know if someone could help me out with how I could do the backtracking. |